The Reading Room
Welcome to a growing library of resources and tools that I regularly recommend to coaching clients and teams.
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Life Design & Visioning
Values Card Deck
They're finally here! I designed and developed this 62-card values deck as a resource to explore your values. I use these cards with coaching clients and teams who want to get clear on the values and behaviours that will bring them long-term success. Check out the reflection guide too!
Who Am I Journal
A beautifully designed reflection tool from The School of Life. Explore sections on; work psychology, re-enchantment and more. I enjoyed reflecting on tricky questions such as, "In what ways have you self-sabotaged your life at certain points?" Ouch.
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Overcome your Fears
Dr. Vora, a holistic psychiatrist, explores how false and true anxiety can affect our daily lives. I found the chapter on Techxiety and the boundaryless workplace really helpful. She also provides tools to short circuit our stress response as we increase awareness.
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Remarkable Life Cards
Debbie Millman is an author, designer, and phenomenal artist. Based on her course, The Remarkable Life: A Ten Year Plan for Achieving your Dreams, this deck takes you on a reflective journey. Her questions helped to explore my purpose in new, creative ways.
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Creative life Recovery
This is for anyone who wants to discover and recover their creative self, in all aspects of their life. This isn't a book, oh no, it's a twelve week course in discovering your identity, sense of power, integrity compassion, abundance and so much more. It's a lifelong gift.
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Neuroscience card deck
I love a good card deck, especially one that helps me retrain my brain to be more present. In addition to learning about why my brain reacts a certain way, there are also easy to apply practices. A favourite is learning how to navigate ANTS (automatic negative thoughts).
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meditation journey
Sent to me as a gift after I said, "I can't meditate, my mind never stops". Appreciating the irony, I can now say this was the meditation book that helped me start an infrequent yet important mindfulness practice. Many practical approaches to discover and try on.
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inner critic work
A perennial favourite of mine to share with coaching clients. Whether you suffer form impostor syndrome, or you want to practice navigating the many thoughts that surface in your head, this is a wonderful and useful read for everyone.
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Personal Vision Quest
This book took me years to read, because it's full of deep, life examining questions. This was the pre-read to my vision quest (yep, I went on one) and it remains a book I revisit often. And I quote, "You are not dead yet. It is not too late."
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redesign your life
As someone who teaches design thinking, this book is a treasure trove of activities and reflections to design your life with deeper purpose. You'll need post-it-notes, flip-chart paper, markers and time to take the journey with yourself.
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The art of life lists
I have had this book for over 20 years and it is the reason I found myself signing up for a week-long circus school. While learning the trapeze may not be on your list, this book helps you become a detective in your own life, uncovering what is possible to take action on.
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life crossroads
Gregg asks, "What do you think is the one problem you were born to understand?" He continues to challenge you with mind rattling questions and concepts throughout the book. He guides you to explore crossroads and reach beyond what may be possible towards a more authentic life.
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The wisdom of self
As a coach trained in Internal Family Systems (IFS) theory, the gifts I have received from Dr. Schwartz's work are immeasurable. It has changed my life. Learn and connect with your internal parts to make better choices and connect with your own wisdom and best Self.
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Your Life's Calling
Stephen is a psychotherapist and Kripalu Yoga Teacher. He shares, "The goal of this journey is to reunite us with ourselves". This book centers around the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text, and the concept of dharma, one's true calling in life.
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female stress equation
I've had a number of clients tell me they're close to burnout, when in reality, they're already on fire. Emily and Amelia take a nuanced look at the impact of stress cycle on women and how society reinforces the habits that affect our work, family, and health.
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Facilitation Genius
Resources from the Facilitation Genius Program, for facilitators, leaders, and coaches.
SPEAK with confidence
As Madonna once said, Express Yourself. This is an incredibly practical guide with voice exercises that help you identify your range and areas for improvement. I use some of the practices in the program to explore how you communicate with pitch, tone, and range.
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lead with presence
In my Facilitation Genius course I'll often ask; "Where is your bubble?" I've studied with the author Wendy, who contributed greatly to my skill as a communicator. Whether engaging audiences, or hosting tricky conversations learn how to manage your energy and intentions.
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experience matters
I always seek out books that have memorable stories along with applicable processes and behaviours that I can apply. Priya explores the importance of setting clear purpose, how to have generous authority, and the skill of building connection through vulnerability.
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craft a new story
Ohhh, it's a good one. Tired of living in the same story? Change it and create an unforgettable purpose to live into. This book isn't about the technical skill of storytelling, it takes you through a process to rewrite, edit and begin to live your best story - your life.
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build your story toolkit
If you've ever said, "I don't have a story to tell," this book is for you. Explore the many ways you can share your story from; Who I am and Why Am I here to Teaching and Vision stories. Create stronger connections and inspire others to take action with Annette's guidance.
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stop just surviving
Although we think our brains are in charge it's our autonomous system that takes the lead. Learn how to build a more flexible system, notice your cues and change patterned responses. "The pathway back to connection from fight, flight, or collapse is there in all of us."
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create digital trust
If you lead a remote team, read this book. Erica talks about the four laws of digital body language. You'll learn to recognize the difference between strong and weak commitments so you can develop a culture that doesn't need to read between the (literal) lines.
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How to show up
Written by performance artists, this book explores how to truly connect with others by being fully present in body and mind. Increase your ability to ward off fearful thoughts and practice creating empathy through your expression to connect more deeply with others.
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move people forward
Facilitating isn't about getting people to do something, it's the ability to remove obstacles in the way of collaboration and learning. Adam explores the value of different types of facilitation and the importance of advocating and inquiring as a group.
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Must-Have Culture
What if your leadership skills were judged by how safe people feel when they're around you? Examine the four stages; Inclusion, Learner, Contributor, and Challenger Safety. Identify clear actions to take with your teams and groups. Don't just talk; create the culture.
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imperfect discomfort
Perfectionism is a common trait amongst my coaching clients (and me). This slim volume explores ten guideposts including a few that address Letting go of Numbness and Productivity as self-worth. Brené simplifies concepts into an easy read with powerful learning.
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practiced effortlessness
From how to tell the story, resonate with the audience, and design your content, Nancy has created a great guidebook to level up your presentations. She succinctly shares real-life examples to help you create the most memorable visual story possible.
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design for business
Use design thinking methods to solve organizational issues, develop new skills and create ideas that help shape the future. Define team charters, generate new possibilities and design a business strategy your clients can (and will) bring to reality.
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the skill of leading
Psychological safety is rarely about the obvious. Relationships and teams break down over subtle moments that can go unnoticed and become a pattern, or culture, within teams. Increase your micro-aggression awareness and lead as an ally.
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THE zen of conflict
If conflict situations or resistant people stop you in your tracks, this book can help you examine what you can control and how to engage with others. Diane examines the internal impacts and the external skills that help you value conflict with confidence.
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KNOW your emotions
Leading people to be vulnerable and explore new ways of being requires you to be connected to your own core emotions. This book provides an understanding of the change triangle so you can move your mind from stress towards calm and clarity.
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create engaging experiences
Gamestorming is a great book for leaders who want to approach meetings and workshops in new ways. Whether you're leading a brainstorming session or planning for the future, this book helps you design new ways to problem solve and ideate.
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nerding on design
A very technical book, that's a little formal, and will help build your skill as an instructional designer. Learn how to conduct a needs assessment and analyze the data. Develop meaningful objectives for your learning experiences and a system to evaluate the outcomes.
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Inner Leadership
transcend the need to control
So many stellar highlights on this one. "It means letting go of the existing self and allowing a new self to emerge." Learn through personal assessments, reflection questions and many practical models. This book is meant to unsettle your way of being.
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the human side of leading
I could easily list every one of her books, not only because they're well researched and written, but because Brené speaks the unmitigated truth about leading with heart. Take action on the 4 skills: rumbling with vulnerability, living into values, braving trust, and learning to rise.
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create long-term change
The reason this book is so popular is because it makes habit change possible. James explores the neuroscience behind habits and identifies four steps towards making change. I loved the systems approach to outcome change, process change, and identity change.
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self awareness cards
Another winner from The School of Life. A significant part of personal development involves self-reflection and this deck provides meaningful prompts to ponder. Explore questions solo or invite others into a conversation about life, values and fears.
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change starts with you
I return to this book often, whether I'm leading myself or others through change. Each chapter ends with a reflection and discussion page that prompts you to consider your learning from a personal and organizational perspective. Discover your internal leadership strength.
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the great questions of life
If we've ever worked together, you know my disdain for the word "balance" and this is where I learned it. The poet and author David Whyte considers balance to be deadly boring and untrustworthy. Re-imagine your work, self and relationships, imperfections and all.
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in the defense of learning
The act of learning requires unlearning, which can be a challenge when you're meant to have all the answers. Carol shares the neuroscience behind how you learn. Practice living between the learning and performance zone because mindsets change the meaning of failure.
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get out of your own way
Yes, this book is over 20 years old and I continue to deliver programs based on Timothy's concepts. Based on the concept that "Performance equals Potential minus Interference" you'll examine how your mental inner game impacts your ability to perform across all areas of your life.
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In the long run we're all dead
Do I have your attention? Time management is not about time. "It's the pressure to live by a troublesome set of ideas about how to use that limited time. "Let's spend energy on identifying what you truly value and explore the discomfort of what matters - and what doesn't.
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leading for diversity
Shakil guides us through the four pillars of deep diversity: Emotions, Bias, Belonging, and Power. He identifies inner skills required to lead consciously such as; self reflection and the ability to make meaning from seemingly "negative" situations.
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reframing power
Learn how to share power with others, rather than power over others to create shared solutions and more collaborative teams. Practice the four steps to non-violent communication: observe, identify feelings, identify needs and make the request.
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re-imagining change
Having studied with Robert and Lisa, I can say their approach to creating real change, works. Imagine driving a car with one foot on the gas and another on the brake - you aren't going anywhere. Explore how psychological barriers impact our ability to sustain effective change.
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living with integrity
The simplicity of the four agreements is misleading. Are you constantly impeccable with your word, even towards yourself? The author explores the power of the four agreements in action and the impact we can have as we commit to doing our best.
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know your strengths
Another constant recommendation to my coaching clients exploring career changes or seeking to break out of a rut. A practical book with reflections and steps to assess your strengths and create a plan to to integrate them into your daily work and life.
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rethink so you evolve
I love how Adam bases his work on research and data with great stories to prove his point. Whether exploring interpersonal confidence, constructive conflict or how to influence others by listening. I always learn something new from his books.
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Team Leadership
discover purpose
A quality shared by successful teams is an understanding of their core purpose. I've used this tool personally, and led workshops to help teams connect to their why. This step-by-step guide leads you through an exploration of what matters most to you and your team.
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Branding card deck
This is a great 60 card deck that can be used in many ways. For branding, uncover the voice and style that connects with your audience. Use the archetypes to help define your desired culture or as a team connecting activity to get to know one another's strengths.
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the alchemy of belonging
Peter preaches the importance of humility and curiosity as key leadership values. It's all about the conversations we're in with others. Uncover the three qualities of great questions. Do you want to co-create buy-in, lead change, and heal conflict? Get this book.
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the art of feedback
I've recommended this book so much, I should get royalties. Kim has a painfully simple and successful way to approach meaningful conversations that get results. Increase your ability to care personally and challenge directly when developing your people.
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Regardless of your role, you will encounter people with ideas, values and needs that are different from yours. Explore the sphere of consensus and legitimate debate as you expand your ability to lead people and challenge the need to create silos and cultures of othering.
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What your bias tells you
Tiffany's Power of Privilege TEDtalk is one I reference often. She helps us explore our bias and lead conversations about the barriers of in-groups and out-groups. Her personal examples and practical activities helped me to immediately apply my learning as I read.
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presence is a verb
Mark asks, "How do we listen to, and stay in conversation with all that is beyond our awareness?" This beautiful book applies to every category in this library. Learn to be present to yourself, your intuition, and others through reflection and meditation exercises. I reread it often.
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time is finite focus on energy
If you're a coaching client of mine I guarantee you've heard me speak about this research. Train your team to identify the signs of the four emotional quadrants; performance, survival, recovery and burnout. Design your days for success and truly build team resiliency.
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walk the leadership talk
A fun and engaging read that always gets me thinking about the leadership commitment I might need a refresh on. Whether generating appreciation or learning through curiosity, the 15 commitments are key behaviours for leaders to live and model with your teams.
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stop solving the wrong problem
Coaching is an integral skill for any leader, especially if you're interested in developing your people, building accountability, and creating a more sustainable way for you to lead. Check out Micheal's top seven questions and stop trying to fix everything for everyone else.
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organizational health
This is a must read for senior leaders who need to answer the question "Who is my First Team?" Explore the bias barriers of; adrenaline, sophistication and quantification so you can practice the five fundamental ways to build a cohesive and healthy team.
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find the THIRD conversation
I've designed a conflict program around this book, it's that good. Increase your skill at taking perspective during conflict situations by uncovering the identities at stake. As with any conflict, do the work to determine if you want to be right, or you want a solution.
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